Assalamu Alaykum,
I am a Shia of Ali (عليه السلام) and my purpose in making this website is to defend true Islam from the mass propaganda that is being spread not only on the internet, but in Muslim gatherings across the world.
Type in “shia” on youtube and you will realize the effort people have gone to in order to slander and smear the Shia. Thus, it is high time for a healthy discussion to take place which will Inshallah allow the dear reader from Ahl al-Sunnah to gain a much clearer understanding of the Shia views and beliefs – instead of simply getting the propaganda version, and likewise the Shia reader can be able to understand and defend the beliefs of his denomination, at university or work against attack.
Undoubtedly, many Sunnis will be infuriated I am making this website and may quickly dismiss it as propaganda before even reading it. Even my Sunni friends will feel anger if they find out. However, my intention is not to start a sectarian flame-war or insult anyone, but to defend true Islam as practiced by the Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله), Ahlel Beit (عليهم السلام) and the Salaf As-Salih (رضي الله عنهم)
The Prophet Mohammed (صلى الله عليه واله) said, “Always speak the truth even if it is bitter”.
Imam Ali (عليه السلام) said, "Speaking the truth has left me with no friends."
Truth stands clear from error (Holy Quran 2:256)
Many a time at university prayer halls, the sight of a Shia praying will be greeted by whispers and angry expressions. The same Shia will then be harassed continuously every time he wishes to pray and will be called kafir by people who don’t even pray yet consider themselves to be religiously superior! This is unacceptable behaviour yet it is occurring in almost every university in the country. In fact, if we were to look at the comments made by Salafi scholars regarding the Shia, one will be amazed at the culture of hatred and antagonism fostered:
Ibn Taymiyyah said about the Rafidhah, “They are more evil than most of the people of desires, and they are more deserving of being killed than the Khawarij.” (Majmoo’ul-Fataawaa 28/482)
Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab said, “If you see a man with the signs of Shiism on him, kill him for he is a Rafidhi."
What misguidance comes after this?! How can anyone claim these two to be righteous when they advocate the slaying of Shias? It is worth noting that Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Abdul Wahhab are the two biggest Salafi scholars in history, and are addressed as “Sheikh Al-Islam” and “Mujadid ad-deen” (renewer of the religion) respectively. Killers such as the deceased Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, who led a murderous campaign against the Shia in Iraq after 2003, would frequently quote Ibn Abdul Wahhab in his audio tapes and seek inspiration from him. Unfortunately, many Sunnis in the west are being radicalised and adopting an extremist and intolerant stance against anyone who does not share their beliefs. For instance, when the late Shia jurist Mohsin al-Hakeem went for hajj, he wanted to meet with the Salafi jurist Bin Bazz. Bin Bazz sent a message to him saying he does not want to meet, or even look at, an infidel. This narcissistic and narrow-minded attitude truly needs to be remedied.
My advice to my Sunni brothers is not to follow blindly like sheep, and adopt the “ask no questions” mentality when it comes to this issue. On this website, you may often see me criticizing historical figures that you have been raised to idolize your entire life.Do not be in a hurry to start wagging your finger at me, although it will be understandable as most Sunnis are only Sunni because they follow the religion of their fathers ignorantly.
Inshallah this site will prove to be a worthy effort and may Allah guide you and guide me.
Purpose of this Blogsite
Posted by 7amil Rayat Mohammed at 08:27